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Sims Life Stories
Enjoy Romantic, Sweet and Silly Sims stories given to you by Lashawna aka Lala and Christopher.
Scrapped Story Pics

The first story is called The Vampire Queen. It was supposed to be about young girl who was raised by this older man whom she referred to as her Watcher. She was told to call him that at a very young age, although she could not understand why. She didn't know what happened to her parents, but she knew it was something tragic. Also, there was this mysterious man who would always come to her house to talk to her and she would always find comfort in his presence. One day he slips up and calls her "My queen" she, of course being a child, thinks he is playing make-believe and calls him " My good sir" then giggles and gives him a hug. His sister, is also very taken with the young miss and is prepared to be her sentinel. The man is meant to be her consort when she comes of age and he can already feel the pull to her that makes him want to protect her and kill anyone that wants to cause her harm. Finally she is told everything that is going on as her birthday draws near and she is told to study
up on her vampire lore and knowledge.
When she ages up, she feels that powerful pull to Caleb and they come together.
I scrapped this story because I wasn't feeling it anymore plus, if u can see from the pics, she has like a million dogs XD. I made the lot stray dog friendly and oh boy did they take advantage of that! I haven't really played with the Cats & Dogs EP much so I wasn't expecting it, and because I'm a dog lover, I had her adopt a couple and keep the rest coming and going. Also I was making her a Vet and she was studying rocket science...yeah...it was all over the place. So I let it go.
This next story is pretty simple. I was going to make twin sisters who had really big ambitions. One wanted to be a master chief and know all forms of cooking from Gourmet to Baking to even Mixology. Her sister wanted to know all types of instruments and master them so she could become the top musician in Brindleton Bay. It seemed like a great idea at first but it didn't hold my interest for long. I wanna write something exciting so BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD!! (I might actually have found something so we shall see...)

Yeah....So as you can see she ended up pregnant and I her sister was "checking out" the scarecrow...Like I said, all over the place lol.
Pregnant and Homeless
I was just your average teenager. Rather, I was a little above average because I strive to do my best in everything.
These are my parents Cliff and Maureen Asmartin. They aren’t the nicest people in the world, but they are very hard-working and care about me in their own way I guess. Mom is a politician and dad is a high-profile businessman who owns a company.
I hung out with my group at the Teen Center that was built for me by my family when I was younger. Secretly, I think they built it so I would be out of the house more often, instead of there with my friends.
I just always wanted a nice place where I could hang out with my friends. These girls were always cool to be around.
This is Anna, my very best friend. She and I are closer to each other than any of the other girls in our group.
She and I will always be best of friends. I just know it! I really feel like I can really count on her through thick and thin.
I wanted to be a chef and possibly own my own restaurant one day, so I joined and later became the leader of the cooking club.
I would study late into the night making sure I understood everything. I loved studying all types of recipes from everyday cooking to baking to even gourmet cooking!
I’ve been told that I am a very pretty and smart young woman. I understand! I am aware of it, though I’m not conceited about it like the cheerleaders and the “blondies” at school do. That’s what we call the really popular girls. I’m popular in a different way. I have my mom’s eyes and her facial features, my dad’s chin and hair color and a mixture of their skin tones.
And because of my looks and this very man here, I bring you my story. You couldn’t really tell from this picture here, but I am quite drunk. I met Salim earlier in the week but I kept my distance. He was an older guy and although I was attracted to him, I wanted to focus on school and getting my life in a good direction before going out with someone.
One night I went out after a really stressful day of school and instead of going out with the girls like I should have, I decided to hang out at the local club that allows 17+ in as long as you have someone with ID get you drinks. I didn’t plan on drinking, I just wanted to dance and be free. But then I saw him at the bar...or he saw me. I don’t really know, but we just came together and it was great. He bought me a drink, and we sat in a dark booth sitting really close so we could hear each other.
He would occasionally brush his fingers along my hand, arm, and then my leg. He seemed so interested in my stressful day that I was feeling so relaxed and comfortable. He bought me a couple more drinks, then next thing I knew, we were making out; his hand sliding under my clothes. I was starting to get uncomfortable at first but the combination of the alcohol and his touches were making me sink. Before long, we were in the VIP rooms and he became the first man I was ever intimate with.
My name is Leann Asmartin and this is my story.
Oh man! I was so embarrassed and wasted. I just wanted to get away from him as soon as possible, but I couldn’t go home, so I went outside to see if I could get a better signal and call Anna to come get me. It was already first light!
About a couple months past; I was really busy with school and noticing that Salim didn’t call me once. I also didn’t wait for him to call me either. When I had free time, I called him and asked him out but he was always busy. It was disappointing. A few days after the finals test results came back and I wasn’t so stressed from that, I just happened to have looked at my calendar and noticed that I was late.
For being such a smart young woman, I was really dumb. I was vomiting left and right, hardly eating much, and my period hadn’t shown up at all. At first, I thought all of that was because I was stressing over the tests I had and making sure I was keeping up my really tiresome grades. I knew I was pregnant though, even before I went to the local clinic for a quick urine test.
‘Oh my god, I’m pregnant. What am I going to do?’
‘I still have to finish school. How I could I have been so stupid! Even if I did have sex, why didn’t I make sure he used protection!?’
‘How am I even going to tell my parents?! They are not going to take it well. I just know it! But maybe they won’t really care, and maybe they would just let me deal with it my way.’
Of course, I couldn’t get the courage up to tell them right away, and I still hadn’t been able to get in touch with that jerk Salim so I couldn’t even tell him. I did get to tell my best friend and she was really supportive. I didn’t tell the other girls right away. I really didn’t want any bad judgment. But being as thin as I am, it didn’t take anyone long to notice the weight gain, especially my father.
“I’ve noticed you’ve been putting on some weight, mostly in the belly area. Kind of like your mom did...when she...was...” (Uh oh)
“No. No No NO... ARE YOU PREGNANT?????” ‘Daddy, please…umm calm down and let’s sit down so we can talk. Let’s not wake mom.’
“So, tell me right now how you, the smartest girl in that awful school of yours, could possibly be in this position?” ‘I…dad…’ *sigh* (I told him about getting drunk and Salim)
“What the hell were you thinking?!” ‘I wasn’t thinking that’s the point! I was so stressed out and I just needed a break!’
“And you thought, ‘hmm maybe I should get drunk and laid to relieve my stress’ Just because your mom and I are busy keeping a roof over your head doesn’t mean that’s a free pass to act wild and grown.”
‘Oh my god, dad, seriously stop; I didn’t go there with that intention at all. If you and mom knew me at all you would know that. I just went there to dance; I didn’t feel like hanging out with my friends, and I just wanted some down time. I really didn’t have a set goal in mind, and I certainly didn’t plan on ending up in this situation.’
“So, what are your life goals now? You're not keeping this baby, are you?” ‘Well, yes dad, I did plan on keeping my baby. First, I’m too far along for a normal abortion, and I’ve already figured out how I’ll be able to go to school and still care for my little one.’ (At this point in our conversation, my friend Yuki had stopped by and pretty much heard most of the conversation. I think the maid let her in.)
“If you’re so grown, I want you out of this house! You can either go to a specialist to have a forced miscarriage or you can go live out there on your own.”
‘Are you kidding me?!? Yuki, I’m sorry but can you go home? I’ll call you later. Dad, you haven’t even heard my plans yet. Please don’t just write me off completely. I know I made a poor decision, but I’ve never given you any problems before.’
‘You’re really going to kick me and your unborn grandchild out? I can’t believe that would even cross your mind!’ “No daughter of mines will sully our family name and company. Also, think of your mother! If this got out, it could ruin her chances of being the Mayor.” ‘Seriously?! That’s what you’re worried about?!’…*Door slams*
“What the hell is going on here? I hear all this screaming going on while I’m trying to sleep! And what’s this I hear, you’re pregnant?! ” ‘Mom, please come sit down and talk to me. Dad is trying to kick me out! Tell him that it’s not okay; that everything will be fine and it will all work out.’
“I heard your dad and I agree with him. We don’t need this type of publicity right now so I think you should go and not just leave this house but leave Windenburg.” ‘Mom, oh my god, you...you...can’t be serious...right? Where would I go? Are you giving me money to get started on a new life? Your really just going to toss me out with nothing?!’
‘I have a plan mom. I have a great way that I could make this work; I just need a little help from you guys. Please don’t do this to your daughter.’ “No daughter of mine would get herself in a stupid situation like this and especially not want to fix it immediately! LEAVE NOW! We’re done here!”
With nothing left to say and before I could completely break down, I ran from that house as best I could. I didn’t have anyone I could turn to at that moment and nowhere to go...except maybe Salim...or so I thought.
‘Thanks for meeting me here, so there’s something I need to tell you. Umm...I’m pregnant.’ “...........” ‘Well come on, say something please! Before you ask, yes it’s yours; you were my first, Salim, and also, my parents kicked me out when they found out. I have nowhere to go.’ “So go get an abortion. I don’t want a kid.” ‘I don’t want an abortion and besides, I’m too far along for it to be ethical. Can’t I just stay at your place for a while, until I can figure out what I’m going to do?’
“Seems like a ‘you’ problem, so no thanks. I want no part of it. Honey, you were a great time but that’s all, nothing more.” ‘What the hell is wrong with you? How could you just do this to someone? How could you just walk away from an innocent child who didn’t ask to exist?’ “Maybe I’ll send money to you eventually when the kid is born, but otherwise, go away! I’m looking for some sweet lovin’ to get tonight.”
With a heavy sigh, I went to the only place I thought I would be okay at.
The beautiful teen spot center that I have loved all my life.
‘Hey there Octavio, I’m not having the greatest day. Can I get a glass of fresh cool water, please?’ “Oh umm...well I can give you one glass miss because you were always my favorite person...(were..?) but I’m sorry to tell you this, your parents have put you on the no longer welcome list.”
‘Your joking right?! Oh my God, my parents are ridiculous! How could they just do something like this, so completely...oh god, Octavio I have nowhere to go.’ “I’m sorry ma’am, but I have a little one of my own, and I can’t afford to lose this job. I wish I could help you. After your drink, you have to leave before the others tell your parents.”
‘I’m pregnant and homeless. My parents put me out, my baby’s father doesn’t want anything to do with me, and now I truly have nowhere else to go. I can’t go to any of my friends homes because all of their parents are associated with my family and are either employees of dad’s company or mom’s campaign.’ “Oh miss I am so sorry. I just feel so bad right now.”
I got up and walked out, so I wouldn’t get Octavio in trouble. When I left, I received a phone call from my best friend. I really thought she gave up on me, but I should have known better. Just because the other girls pulled away some, doesn’t mean she would as well. I think they were more upset that I didn’t confide in them right away… or perhaps they just find it in poor taste to be pregnant at 17.
‘Anna, I just don’t know what I’m going to do. I had to take a nap on a park bench! I was just so tired from running around all day, and the baby just takes all of my energy.’ “I wish there was something I could do. I hate that you’re going through this and that you don’t have the proper support. What about school?” ‘I won’t even be able to finish there because my parents were paying for my tuition. So, of course, you know they cancelled that.’
“I really can’t get over them putting you out while you’re pregnant. That just seems so awful and inhuman.” ‘Well, you know both my parents are mean, and really only care about themselves...and maybe each other if only a little bit. They love their power and fame and won’t let anyone, their only daughter included, get in the way.’
‘Ohh whoa! I’m feeling some movements here. Would you like to feel the baby?’ “Oh wow! This is so weird, and it just makes it finally hit home. You’re going to be a mom; you’re having a baby!” ‘Haha! Yes I am, Anna.’
“You know what I just thought of? Let’s go to the community gym! You could wash up there, grab a quick bite to eat and maybe nap on the couches they have? I need to work out a bit anyways.” ‘Oh man, Anna. What would I do without you? Your the greatest friend ever; thank you so much for being here with me!’’ “Of course Leann! You are a very beautiful, smart and amazing person. I love you and I am so happy to be in your life.”
She really is a cool person. (I just didn’t realize that she was having “more than friendship” feelings towards me until it was too late.) She gave me a few dollars at the gym, so I could buy a sandwich. It wasn’t the best thing, but it was something for my baby. I also remembered the nearby community gardens offer fresh fruits and veggies, if you want to pick them yourself. I could grab a few to eat, stop by the soup kitchen, grab some meals, and make sure I apply to that new women’s shelter because I will not be having my baby on the streets!
I decided to take a quick shower and rinse my mouth out, since I didn’t have a toothbrush. Anna brought a few of the clothes I left at her house for me; but not an extra toothbrush. *sigh* Then, all of a sudden this random guy comes into the bathroom to try and proposition me! I was so scared but I didn’t let it show. I got mad at him and yelled for him to get out before I called the police. He called me a bitch and left. I cried, and then went to look for Anna. Looks like I won’t be napping here with crazed men around.
Over the next few weeks, Anna took me out to different places to make sure I got something to eat and slept occasionally. It wasn’t the best solution, but it was all we could do. But the day we made it to the bowling alley, I finally noticed that Anna wasn’t being just a good “friend”. I think she wanted more, or rather, she made that pretty clear. She wore her prettiest dress and some make-up, and kept trying to hold my hand, lean in close, etc. I told her that we were just friends and that I needed some time to myself to get ready for the birth of my baby. She was really upset, but I think she finally understood that there was never going to be more between us.
A few weeks after the incident with Anna, I went into labor. I had no one I really wanted to be at the hospital with me besides Anna, but we weren’t talking much for a while. So, I was alone. I was pretty nervous and a little scared that something might go wrong, but everything was okay.
I gave birth to a 6lb 5oz baby girl. Her name is Claire Asmartin. She is the most beautiful being in the whole world to me, and I love her already. ‘Hello my little one, I love you and I will always protect you, and be there for you. You’re my saving grace.’
I finally heard that I was accepted into the shelter. I had to get on welfare as well, but it was okay. As long as my baby and I had a home and some money, I was fine. The women of the shelter were pretty nice as well. We got to know one another over fixing up a toy so that Baylee, Taylor’s daughter, could have something fun to play with. It was very enlightening to see these women of different ages, backgrounds and experiences come here and need help to care for their little one’s or soon to be little one’s as well.
Alyssa had just found out recently that she was pregnant and her story is a little upsetting. Basically this jerk of a guy told her she was beautiful, that he really liked her and wanted to be with her and she slept with him. He, then, told her later that he was married, and that he didn’t want anything to do with her; he just wanted to get laid. Taylor’s ex passed away when Baylee was a newborn and Taylor didn’t have much means to care for her. She loves her little honeybun.
As for the last woman here, Christina is a recovering drug addict...or so we all thought. More on that part later. Anyways, Christina doesn’t very much like children, which we all found odd because she is now pregnant. She slept with someone for some drugs and didn’t use protection. Unfortunately, she stayed in a drug haze off and on for so long that it was too late for a proper abortion and so she just decide she would just give the baby up when it was born.
Suddenly one day, out of nowhere, I received a text message from my mother asking to meet up at a local diner not too far from where I lived. It surprised me, of course. Why would she want to talk to me now? Is she dying and want make amends? Is my father dying? I know just standing there speculating would get me nowhere, so I just told her ‘sure’ and asked one of the ladies to watch Claire.
It was odd that she would want to meet in a place that she would consider “beneath her”, but then again it’s not all that hard to believe when she probably wouldn’t want anyone to recognize her with me. ‘So, mom what’s up? Why did you want to meet?’ “Not yet Leann, let’s order some food first. How have you been dear?”
I’ve been fine, mom. I work hard with my studies online, and I, not too long ago, gave birth to my little girl Claire. We’re both doing okay, so let’s really just save this small talk please. Are you dying? Is father dying?’ (We ordered our food and ate by this time) “No no child it’s nothing like that. Your father and I have come to a decision: We would like you to come back home, but under one condition…”
‘Oh? And, pray tell, what would that condition be?’ “We would like you to give your child up for adoption, and we will make sure all traces of her existence cannot be pointed back to you or this family.” (I nearly punched my mother in the face!) ‘Are you kidding me?! Why would I do something as stupid as that? Do you really think the family name and some stupid money would make me give up my child? I’m not as shallow and callous as some people.’
“Look, this is a great opportunity. Stop being so stubborn, and accept this offer! You could go back to school, have your friends at that teen club you love, and enjoy the finer things in life. When you are older, you can get married and start a family then.”
‘Go screw yourself, mother! I love my daughter and would never give her up for anything or anyone. How could you be so cold? I get that you’re a mean person, but to do that to an innocent child? Someone with your own blood?! Look, I’m done here. If this is how you and father feel, then there’s nothing left for any of us. I don’t want to be in your life if you won’t accept Claire.’
“When you finally wake up from your fantasy land and realize what a mistake you made, DON’T COME CRAWLING BACK! You have burned your ties with this family Leann; you’re no longer an Asmartin worth mentioning.”
After that, I left and didn’t talk to either one of my parents again. I couldn’t believe they would come up with something as awful as that, but then again, of course they did put out a pregnant teenager with nothing and nowhere to go. So it shouldn’t be a shock or surprise that they would want me to give my baby up, just so I could resume a hate filled life that I would definitely not enjoy without my lovely Claire.
A couple weeks later, I was asked by Christina to go to the hospital with her. I tried to get close to all the ladies there because that’s just how I am, but with Christina? She has a hard time getting close to anyone, but I guess she was comfortable enough to ask me. She gave birth to a lovely little boy, but she already had social services ready to take the little one to his new family. So, we didn’t see him for long. I hoped she wasn’t bummed by it; I know I was.
Time started to easily pass by. I was doing well with my online studies, taking care of Claire and watching Baylee while Taylor went to work. I didn’t mind because she would pay me a little bit, but I never asked for much; I know what it’s like to struggle of course! Haha! Alyssa was getting bigger and bigger with her baby belly, and Christina kept staying away more often, but when she was around, she looked...faded? I really didn’t know what you would call it, but she was different and if she was using again, social services would kick her out of the shelter. So, I really hoped she wasn’t.
What had made my life pretty good as well was the fact that my old friends didn’t completely write me off like I thought. Well they don’t call as much nor text when I do, but they do occasionally. That was fine with me because my life with Claire and my new friends was different anyways. One day, Yuki called and asked if I wanted to go dancing like we used to back in the old days, and I just couldn’t turn her down. I hadn’t been out in a while, so I said yes. We had so much fun! I loved dancing. I just wish my old crew was there together again.
I was just having a great time that I didn’t even notice my PARENTS were there. I guess they come to this club. It is one the nicest ones in the city but I didn’t expect them to be there the same night I showed up. I hope it wasn’t some type of setup. I think I heard one of them or someone else mumble something like ‘getting drunk and pregnant again’ when I walked by. I just went to the bar, got a soda, and told Yuki thanks for inviting me out, and I left. I didn’t need more stress to ruin my night.
Soon, it was time for Alyssa to give birth. I guess because we were closer in age, she felt closer to me and asked me to come along. I needed to make sure my phone was on because Claire was fussy all day! I think she was teething.
She gave birth to a lovely little boy named Cohen. He was just perfect, and she had tears in her eyes. “You know Leann, I was truly scared. I don’t have any family I could call or rely on and of course Cohen’s dad doesn’t want anything to do with him, so I’m very grateful that your here for us.” ‘Where else would I be?! I love you both, and I’m so happy I met and got to know you. I want to make sure you both have a happy life like me and Claire.’
Time moves on and my little girl is growing up. We’re just playing together and having a great time! “Whee mama!” I love this little girl so much. I finally got off of welfare, when an offer to work at a local restaurant came through. All of the ladies are doing pretty well, except for Christina. Apparently, she has gotten herself pregnant again by some random guy, but she doesn’t want him to know. She was going to get an abortion this time, since she found out early enough, even though she was still strung out. I told her that I am doing pretty well, and by the time she goes into labor, I should be well enough to take care of the baby as well as Claire. So, I’ll adopt the baby.
Some time in the following weeks, I was invited to a party at Yuki’s house. Anna was there. She flirted with me a little bit, and I decided to give her one kiss. She then explained to me that she was getting married to some guy, and that I was the only woman she ever really loved and wanted. I told her I only ever saw her as a friend. I think women are okay, but I prefer men. She got it, and we were great. I got to also hang out with the rest of my old gang and it was nice. They are all moving on with their lives, getting married and settling down. We were all cool, with each other and that’s what made me feel good.
We decided to dance around together at home. Claire is so good! Just like her mama. I hope she really enjoys being creative and loves life. She even looks peaceful at rest too. I wonder what she’s dreaming about. I hope they are beautiful and happy dreams Claire. I want life to be wonderful for you.
Christina gave birth to twins! I was expecting one baby, but we got two. Oh my, I have two sons now...but I am still happy! We signed all of the legal documents and made sure that no one could come around later to try to take my babies away. Their names are Avery and Jakob. Already I could tell that Jakob is going to be a jokester. He cries one moment then laughs his little baby laugh. Avery is always curious. When Claire comes around, he’s always seeking out her voice or when someone is playing with a toy, he is searching for the source of the sound. I am so happy to have them, and I don’t regret it one minute. The other women have offered to help as well for as long as they still live there. Taylor and Baylee will be moving out soon.
Before long, it was time for my little gumdrop’s birthday. I made her cake, planned her party and put the prettiest dress on her. She wanted to go show off her dance moves to Cohen and my friends. I was happy that she was having a great time. I know some toddlers can get really fussy during parties, but she was having a blast!
When it was time to blow out the candles, she took a deep breath, and I helped her blow them out. I wanted everyone to have a chance at this coconut cake without Claire germs. Haha!
A few weeks later, it was my birthday. Taylor and Baylee had already moved out at this point. She was dating this handsome doctor she fell in love with and moved in with him. He really loves her and cares about Baylee, so that’s awesome. Alyssa and Cohen were on their way out as well. As for Christina, she had been looking pretty sick lately. We all tried to get her help, but she would always just stay out longer for weeks at a time.
‘My lovely Claire; you have aged up so well, so gracefully and I am so ashamed that my parents missed out on what a lovely young lady you are. I really hate them for treating me and you the way they have, but we have people in our lives that love us and care about us truly and deeply. That’s all that really matters in life.’
‘I love you always and forever. Now, come on and let’s take a picture together!’
Friends for life and close allies! I made this life something special for myself and my daughter, but I couldn’t have gotten through the rough times without these two beautiful women. Thanks for being there for me and coming to my birthday party!!
These two little she-devils of the shelter. I know Baylee and Claire will be great friends, and if time or life moves in different directions for them, I know they will keep these memories close.
Time for me to blow out the candles! I made a fresh lemon cream cake. I was so happy with the flavors and I know everyone enjoyed it; it was gone before I even really had a bite myself! I am so happy that I was able to meet cool people and have a nice place to live with my babies.
Sadly, tragedy struck hard. Christina had died from an overdose. I felt like this was going to happen. I really wanted her to get some help. I even went to the social workers. I didn’t want her out on the streets, but I didn’t want her to hurt herself anymore. Unfortunately, I was too late to help her. I know it’s impossible to help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves, but I had to try.
After this, we all said our goodbyes to this sad and lonely place. Everyone moved out, and we had buried Christina. It was time for me and my little ones to move on as well. We had enough money saved up for a nice little home over in San Myshuno. I won’t be in the same neighborhood as the other ladies, but at least we’ll be in the same town again.
*Sigh* Home sweet home. From what the realtor told me, this used to be a warehouse back in the day. So, I’m guessing, that’s most likely why it was within my price range. It does offer a nice view from my backyard, and the neighborhood is lovely.
Over the next couple years, I just worked hard, put my boys in daycare and made sure Claire was doing well in school. We were getting into a nice and comfortable groove, but I was a little lonely. I didn’t really date because I didn’t have much experience. Plus, my first wasn’t the best, ya know?
One day, I decided to treat myself and go to a nice lounge for a glass of wine and some great atmosphere.
Then, this really handsome man comes over to me and offers to buy me that glass of wine. I was wary, of course, so I said ‘why not let me buy you a glass instead’. He agreed, and we started talking. His name is Nickolas Hatcher, and he is a writer. He was kind and gentle. He could tell I was being cautious. “You know Leann; I don't bite. I just want to get to know you and enjoy this glass of wine with you.”
I took a deep breath and laughed off my nervousness. ‘I’m sorry; it’s been a while since I’ve had an actual adult conversation with someone, let alone someone of the opposite sex.’ I really didn’t want to run him off. We were having a great night chatting and watching the karaoke singers. I told him about my children. I wasn’t hiding anything there! I also told him about my promising career. I was really enjoying myself with him and didn’t want the night to end. I told him that I was only good for one glass, but I wanted to do something fun!
So we went dancing!! I got to show off my best moves and really try to impress him, but honestly, I just really wanted to have fun and be free. I love feeling the rhythm flow over my body and feel my limbs move like they are weightless or in a river. I was just having a wonderful time, and then I saw something that was equal parts hilarious and sad…
(Duhn Duhn Duhnnnn) Yes folks, it’s my so called mother. Pregnant and is she in a disguise? I really don’t know, but even the guy next to her was like ‘umm what the heck?’ Hahaha! Oh boy! I was just so happy she didn’t see me and was so ready to get out of there.
After a wonderful evening, I let him take me home to make sure I made it safely. I just had to kiss him. He was so kind and didn’t ask for more than that. I really appreciated it. We said goodnight and I went back to being a momma.
Over the next few weeks, I kept seeing Nickolas. We went for walks in the park, dinners at lovely restaurants and a festival or two before I finally invited him to breakfast at my place to meet my babies.
‘So I told you about my little Claire here and the twins.’ “They aren’t identical though, right?” ‘Nope, Jakob looks more like their birth mother and Avery looks more like the man that helped bring them along.’ “I don’t like the man that helped make me!” ‘Oh, my little Claire, I know sweetie.’ Nickolas looks at me kind of shockingly. ‘I don’t really believe in hiding important things like that from your children. I think they should know the whole truth, so they can judge for themselves if they would like to have a relationship with their fathers or not. But I want them going in knowing who their fathers were at the time and how they were during their childhood.’
My children know how my parents treated me and why I don’t have a relationship with them. Claire understands that it was not her fault, and that I wanted her with everything and that I would give up and did give up everything for her. She knows that I don’t regret it nor am I upset that it happened. She was destined to be my shining light. If not for her existence, who would Avery and Jakob have? Would they even exist? I make sure that she knows she’s very important. Not godly, but a lot of great things happened because she exists.
After breakfast, I clean up the boys and all you hear is Avery yelling “play, play” while reaching his arms up to Nickolas. It’s so freaking cute that I start to tear up a little. Of course, when Jakob sees Avery having fun, he wants a turn. I want this man in my life for good. I really hope he stays and loves me and my family for life.
Claire just wanted to pick his brain. She talked about art and her studies with him. He really seemed to enjoy spending time with them, and it wasn’t that fake ‘let me put on a show, so I could get laid’ type of having fun with my kids. It was really genuine. His smile, the way his eyes lit up, it was like he was exactly where he wanted to be, and I was really happy with that.
By that evening, I felt it was time for a little one on one with my new love. He has become such a great figure in my life and brought a sense of balance to my life that I really appreciate. This time, my friends, I made sure I had LOTS of protection! I love my babies but I am not ready for anymore, at least not yet. Maybe if Nickolas wants to get married and if he wants children of his own, then maybe...but that’s another story for another time.
One happy and lucky family!
A bit of an update. We later found out that Salim got married and had a son. Guess he was into light skinned or white women with blond braids who dressed as bad as him. Even their son is looking at them odd while he's dressed very peculiarly.
A bit of an update. We later found out that Salim got married and had a son. Guess he was into light skinned or white women with blond braids who dressed as bad as him. Even their son is looking at them odd while he's dressed very peculiarly.
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