The first story is called The Vampire Queen. It was supposed to be about young girl who was raised by this older man whom she referred to as her Watcher. She was told to call him that at a very young age, although she could not understand why. She didn't know what happened to her parents, but she knew it was something tragic. Also, there was this mysterious man who would always come to her house to talk to her and she would always find comfort in his presence. One day he slips up and calls her "My queen" she, of course being a child, thinks he is playing make-believe and calls him " My good sir" then giggles and gives him a hug. His sister, is also very taken with the young miss and is prepared to be her sentinel. The man is meant to be her consort when she comes of age and he can already feel the pull to her that makes him want to protect her and kill anyone that wants to cause her harm. Finally she is told everything that is going on as her birthday draws near and she is told to study
up on her vampire lore and knowledge.
When she ages up, she feels that powerful pull to Caleb and they come together.
I scrapped this story because I wasn't feeling it anymore plus, if u can see from the pics, she has like a million dogs XD. I made the lot stray dog friendly and oh boy did they take advantage of that! I haven't really played with the Cats & Dogs EP much so I wasn't expecting it, and because I'm a dog lover, I had her adopt a couple and keep the rest coming and going. Also I was making her a Vet and she was studying rocket science...yeah...it was all over the place. So I let it go.
This next story is pretty simple. I was going to make twin sisters who had really big ambitions. One wanted to be a master chief and know all forms of cooking from Gourmet to Baking to even Mixology. Her sister wanted to know all types of instruments and master them so she could become the top musician in Brindleton Bay. It seemed like a great idea at first but it didn't hold my interest for long. I wanna write something exciting so BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD!! (I might actually have found something so we shall see...)

Yeah....So as you can see she ended up pregnant and I her sister was "checking out" the scarecrow...Like I said, all over the place lol.