

Chapter One

It should be known as common courtesy to talk to your neighbors and have fun with all of your hometown friends before you decide to go to college.

Hello, my name is Kate Jones, and I am a blonde. This fact will be relevant throughout the entire story, and you will see why very soon. I live amongst the beaches in a small yet homey spot of mine. I have had some really cool friends for the longest time, one of which is named Len Tsang. Ever since elementary school, me and Len Tsang have been buddies for the very longest, and he knows how important it is to show up on the very last day that I may get to see him. If anyone had pretty high hopes for me making it into college, it would be him

As for his dear and...interesting roommates, they are the mildly chauvinistic types. Not so much that they don't expect women to go to college. Hell, in their mind, where else would they find some good post-teen ass? They just didn't expect it from lil' ol' me. (sigh) Thanks forht evote of confidence,  I guess.
That being said, it was time for me to take what may possibly be my final swim in the crystal clear blue ocean that has been my sanctuary for years. I vaguely remember the day that my parents lived around this block, and that I was almost deathly afraid of the water as a kid. The one thing that calmed me down was that my mom used to sing to me a certain melody that always clicked within my mind anytime I go for a swim. All I have to do is slowly walk into the water and sing the song my mom used to sing, be it outside or within my head. She was such a good singer. Not quite angel, but just as meditative. Just as calming enough to help me cross the bridge concerning all of my fears. Who knew that swimming and imaging the rush of the water as calm and soft as it was, this would be like yoga almost?
Now, that I have had all my fun in saying goodbye, it is my time to enroll into Sims University. I am applying for communications with 12 credits and 2 terms. Some of Len's friends told me they had never seen me as the college type. Hell, I'm not even convinced that they think I have enough sense to come in out of the rain. But despite how many times I trip over my feet from time to time, it is always within the place I need to be. Plus, I have mostly seen them on the couch with nary an application to show for their "usefulness" as men. Score one for the blonde trying to make something of her dumb life.
Before I leave, I decide it was time for me to look at the newspaper, pack all of my bags, and order a UHaul for the occasion. (sigh) I'll miss this house. But it is time for me to move on to bigger and better thi-ouch! Better things. In goes my bag towards the truck, in goes my body in the shotgun seat. I am off to prove once and for all that I am not the expectations they put on my hair.
I will dominate!

Part 2, coming soon!

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